Dianabol 20mg/tablet


Meet Dianabol the muscle-building steroid for those looking for muscle mass and strength gains. The iconic Arnold Schwarzenegger was said to have favored this powerful steroid. Not uncommon to see gains of 15 to 30lb of muscle in a users first cycle.

(6 customer reviews)
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picture of pill bottle with 60 tablets of dianabol 20mg by peak molecular
Dianabol 20mg/tablet

Dianabol Benefits

  • Muscle Mass: Dianabol delivers fast muscle building and strength increases making it the top choice for those looking to bulk up. First-time users can gain up to 20lbs in just a 6-8 week cycle. And if you stack with Testosterone Enanthate or Deca Durabolin, the results are even more astonishing. Your muscles will thank you.
  • Strength and Endurance: Tired of hitting a wall during your workouts? Dianabol boosts strength so you lift heavier weights and push through reps you once struggled with.
  • Nitrogen Retention: Optimal muscle growth requires an anabolic state and nitrogen retention is key to ensuring your body remains primed for muscle growth.

Additional information

Active Ingredient


Administration Route





50 tablets

Half Life

6 hours

Detectable For

6 weeks

Dosage (Female)

Not recommended

Dosage (Male)

20mg to 80mg daily

Dosage Frequency

2 or 3 times daily

Cycle Length (Female)

Not recommended

Cycle Length (Men)

4 to 6 weeks

6 reviews for Dianabol 20mg/tablet

  1. Clive W (verified owner)

    Running this @40mg/day with Test Prop and have great results by week 3

  2. Henry H (verified owner)

    Have made great gains so far & am very happy

  3. Allan E (verified owner)

    Highly recommend!

  4. Miles K (verified owner)

    Strongest Dbol I’ve ever done. Great way to start my cycle.

  5. Callum S (verified owner)

    Really really really good DBOL

  6. Andy I (verified owner)

    In just a few weeks, I saw more muscle gains than I did with months of other products.

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